Legal service

Retain an attorney you can trust in your civil suit

Get the compensation you deserve

Don't let worries about pending civil litigation consume your life; call us today at Murr, Compton, Claypoole & Macbeth for a consultation on your case. Whether you're looking for legal counsel regarding personal injury, real estate and probate litigation, contested wills, or landlord and tenancy disputes, we can help.


No matter what type of non-criminal complaint you're looking to pursue or defend, we promise to represent your interests in court.

Don't give up, call us about appeals

Just because your court date didn't go your way, it doesn't mean all hope is necessarily lost. The post trial and appeal proceedings can be difficult to navigate, in both civil and criminal cases, don't try to go it alone. Get in touch with us for a consultation regarding your appeal.

Court room

Call us to schedule your legal consultation today

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